Silvia Montefoschi (English)

Da LogicaUnitaria.

Silvia Montefoschi (Rome, June 12, 1926 - Zurich, March 16, 2011) was a physician, biologist and Italian psychoanalyst. (Wikipedia)

The scientific training

Studies in the biological sciences: Rome and Naples

After a degree in Biological Sciences from the University of Rome obtained immediately after the war, Montefoschi moved to Naples for a further study in biology where it begins a short research experience in the field of biology always at the Zoological Station of Naples.

Prime === insights and reflections on the so-called scientific method ===

It was during his first scientific work, even if only in the field of biology that soon realized the naivety epistemological mode of thought proper to the so-called "scientific method" and come to better knowledge in the same period of another method, the "psychoanalytic method", which recognized him as the most relevant to the idea that it made ​​the evening of the true "scientific method", he developed the turning point in his professional life that finally, after many years, led her to conceive 'idea of "One Thought".

The discovery of the true scientific method

The encounter with the psychoanalytic method: the return to Rome

"The sense of the meeting between Bernhard and me [...] I was clear at the end of our common path as that of the relay where the penultimate runner over the baton to those who must carry it to the goal '

( Silvia Montefoschi, "The living - Testimony of Silvia Montefoschi" 1988 )

E 'in this period in which she matures into a critique of the scientific method that the encounter with the' "angel" Bernhard (pointing to the etymology of "angel" in fact the meaning of messenger, postman) for the passing of the baton the new psychoanalytic method as in a relay race from Freud to Jung and then to her by means of Bernhard.

Returning to Rome, so begins his new journey in 1952, with psychoanalytic analysis staff who will also be teaching at his analysis Ernst Bernhard, psychologist analyst.

Bernhard Berlin physician specialist in pediatrics was arrived at in this Freudian psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic orientation was held his first training as a psychoanalyst and only later became a fervent student of Carl Gustav Jung.

Of Jewish descent to escape Nazi persecution in his country landed in Italy to Rome, where he found hospitality rather than hostility in the community of Freudian psychoanalysts including Edoardo Weiss moved there from Trieste, which had been the capital of Freudian psychoanalysis orientation.

Though now since the time of Freud by ripping from Jung Jung that forbade use of the term "psychoanalysis" for his new psychoanalytic orientation, it was usual to call the Jungian psychoanalysis "analytical psychology", Bernhard always preferred to adopt the term "psychology of the discovery process" that reveals the emphasis on their interpretation of the thought of Bernhard pioneer in Zurich.

Though it has become the mythical legend opposed Freud-Jung and then Freudian-Jungian instead is that Bernhard Montefoschi worked later not to create further divisions within the theoretical view of psychoanalysis, but rather a synthesis and rearrangement of the many visions in a single psychoanalysis . This Montefoschi made ​​until the last where even in very recent writings considers the history of the psychoanalytic orientations a bit 'as Hegel did in dealing with the many philosophies which is dotted with the unique history and philosophy as well as for Hegel's philosophy coincides with the history of philosophy as well for Montefoschi psychoanalysis coincides with the history of psychoanalysis.

From a biologist medical psychoanalyst

Though already graduated Montefoschi decides to take a second degree in medicine in order to practice the profession of psychoanalyst who by now had realized that his fate would have been professional, profession of psychoanalyst who then required to be registered as the medical professional.

From Rome to Milan

After his training analysis with staff Bernhard began already in Rome to have its first patients as a psychoanalyst, however, soon Silvia Montefoschi is about to leave for a new location, and in fact a little later with his partner Franco Minozzi also a psychoanalyst and student of Bernhard in 1956 along with their daughter Silvia also decide to leave Rome and move to Milan, and it is in this new city that would become his adopted city, having lived there from 1956 until 2004, that begins its real work as a psychoanalyst.

Prime publications

In this first Milanese period Silvia Montefoschi also works with the "Center for Studies of Clinical Psychology" in Milan and it was during this period that date back to his early theoretical contributions that were published in professional journals in the field of psychology and psychotherapy but also in magazines actively and directly engaged in the field of the social.

We mention among these:

  • Psychotherapy and Human Sciences
  • Minerva Medico-Psychological
  • Archives of neurology and psychiatry psychology
  • Journal of Social Psychology
  • Problems of Socialism
  • MondoOperaio
  • Quaderni Piacentini
  • New Woman
  • Woman
  • Femme

and other magazines yet.

Analyst teacher and founding member of the Italian Association for Analytical Psychology

Soon Silvia Montefoschi became a recognized member of the International Society of Analytical Psychology which is the International Association of Jungian psychoanalysis orientation.

Conquistatasi this reputation in psychoanalytic psychotherapist competent, a little later with Ernst Bernhard became a founding member of the Italian Association for Analytical Psychology, bringing together in a single Italian association recognized at the international level the direction of Jungian psychoanalysis Italian.

In this association in parallel with the psychotherapeutic Silvia Montefoschi deals mainly through the establishment of successive groups of work, supervision and training of new students, thus carrying out the task entrusted to him by a psychoanalyst Ernst Bernhard same teacher for the North-Italy.

The turning point of the seventies: a relational psychoanalysis already a radically intersubjective psychoanalysis

After the events that took place beginning in 1968 in Europe and in the world, however, Silvia Montefoschi precise highlighting how anthropology that underlies Jung's psychoanalytic orientation in contrast to the original Freudian interpretations and amendments including post-Freudian, Kleinian and also Lacan, is an anthropology beyond the principle of authority.

The question of the psychoanalytic institution === === Following this clarification having gained itself a new understanding of faith which is also the 1969 article "Beyond the principle of authority" . Silvia Montefoschi is followed around 1970 its decision to withdraw from both psychoanalytic associations of which he was a member for the rejection of what he believed to be the inevitable identification of dogmatic thought in belonging to a "school", both for the incompatibility of institutionalized hierarchical structures with the development of the personality of the analyst. In this manner resulting in their awareness and achieved thanks to the same psychoanalytic method is the only method of thinking that leads to true intersubjectivity between the one and the other of the speech, since then constituted no more psychoanalytic school but groups informal schools of psychoanalysis considers incompatible with the freedom of the individual research analyst.

The work that shows the maturity of this radically intersubjective turn in psychoanalysis

"[The new inter-relational model as opposed to the old model interdependent relationship that was based on the mutual satisfaction of needs] is based on nothing if not on each other's existence."

( Silvia Montefoschi, "The one and the other - Interdependence and inter-subjectivity in the psychoanalytic relationship", 1977 )

In 1973 he began writing "The one and the other - interdependence and intersubjectivity in the analytic relationship," which will be released in 1977 and despite being in continuity with her ​​whole life as she herself has explained in his autobiographical writings of recent years life, it is with this paper that we know the new Silvia Montefoschi in which the concept of "intersubjectivity" becomes the key concept, the real heart and cornerstone of all his thought born of Jung Jung, but already over.

In 1977, therefore, with his very first work, published after more than twenty years of daily practice of the psychoanalytic method, entitled "The one and the other - Interdependence and inter-subjectivity in the psychoanalytic relationship" refounded psychoanalytic epistemology explaining the core of the psychoanalytic method he believes is Freud's discovery of the law of universal incest taboo symbolic Jung brought to light the second article of which this law is made that is not only part which prescribes the sanctity of the law, this Freud was a teacher but also the article prescribes the need, in certain conditions, the inviolability of such a law. Hence the importance of the archetype of coniunctio highlighted by Jung which was followed by the creation, more than the theoretical elaboration of the new archetype of the last coniunctio by Silvia Montefoschi.

This theory put in place by the last coniunctio Montefoschi archetype, from birth to the prototype of that new humanity characterized by the individual super-reflective (SSR) and no longer the subject thoughtful individual (SRI) has lead to the more than one hundred years history of psychoanalysis in a Thought over psychoanalysis.

The proposal of the psychoanalytic Montefoschi therefore constitutes the realization of a true Revolution logic to be implemented not only in theory but also in practice of course of everyday life.

In this key reads the entire history of the universe as the story of the relationship that was in the beginning which is the same one that thought is fragmented and therefore alien in space-time-mass recuperarsi then finally, albeit slowly, on this story such as Integer or "one true" that's just the A-dual. "

The spread and deepening of his intersubjective psychoanalysis

From this first major publication will follow one after another, a dozen books treating issues also of history, biology, physics, astrophysics, as well as philosophy and theology ever since the psychoanalytic method as epistemologically re-founded on the concept of "One Thought" and the incest taboo universal symbolic and his two articles of the law as a key to understanding the totality of the real.

Among those experienced prior to the Genoese in 1986 highlight in particular:

  • Over the border of the person (1979)
  • Dialectic of the unconscious (1980)
  • Beyond the incest taboo - Psychoanalysis and Knowledge (1984)
  • Psychoanalysis and the dialectic of the real (1984)
  • Carl Gustav Jung thought in the making (1985)
  • The Man (1985)
  • Being in being (1986)

The experience of the common psychoanalytic "Research Laboratory of Evolutive Silvia Montefoschi" of Genoa (1986-1989)

In the early 80s they form a large group of students from the Genoese experience in the field of mental health as well after coming over in the city of Genoa for a series of conferences on the topics of the new relational psychoanalysis and intersubjective she theorized in texts that have taken place since 1977 with the publication of the text of psychoanalytic epistemology "the one and the other - interdependence and intersubjectivity in psychoanalytic relationship" eventually moves to Genoa in 1985, along with a group of students Ligurian merge the "Laboratory Searches Evolutive Silvia Montefoschi "attended by analysts also from other regions of Italy and from abroad.

The experience of this laboratory school, a sort of real "common psychoanalytic", which began in 1986 will end in 1989 when the psychoanalyst will make his final return to Milan.

Among the publications produced during this period Genoese highlight in particular:

  • Evolution of consciousness and fate of the universe (1986)
  • Cosmic Beginnings - History of the prehistory of the verb (1987)

From Silvia Montefoschi to GiovanniSilvia (June 12, 1987)

Silvia Montefoschi began this experience as Silvia Montefoschi and ended as GiovanniSilvia riiniziando so a new path.

We can date such an event, which is both the end of that new beginning, with effect from 12 June 1987 and using the same language faithful to the experience of Silvia Montefoschi we can legitimately say that on that day Silvia Montefoschi, the psychoanalyst dies to be reborn as GiovanniSilvia or how the new archetype of '"last coniunctio" that is no longer the coniunctio between opposites as was the "coniunctio oppositorum" theorized by Jung as a key part even if a one-off but the evolutionary process is the coniunctio between similar or John the Evangelist that he died as an evangelist just like Silvia Montefoschi who dies in his role as a psychoanalyst becoming so similar beyond any role, can finally join in last coniunctio or permanently and no longer a one-off, thus becoming the prototype of the new humanity that is dual and super-reflective.

Following Silvia Montefoschi GiovanniSilvia or more correctly, as should most properly cited with effect from that event, will describe in more written description of the event, but the first is a conference took place at a conference of psychiatrists and psychoanalysts on "Psychoanalysis and Religion" facilemnte where you can imagine the bewilderment of most at hearing a similar experience. This conference will also be the content of a paper published in 1988:

  • The Living (1988)

Back to Milan finally shaken off from each experience group (1989-2004)

After that experience of "Laboratory" in Genoa, with his return in 1989 in his adopted hometown of Milan, will no longer participate in any group and no longer publish any other written until 1996, when he suddenly appeared the first of a long series written of new publications after seven years of silence with the title "the glorification of the Living intersubjectivity between the one and the other." Meanwhile in fact as she recounts in "the radical revolution of reality" had started against the revolution, what of the rest predictable in effect, just as a patient in psychoanalysis is natural that face resistance to the truth of the transference was equally conceivable that the world did resistance the "truth about the history of the world" then that is the apocalypse which etymologically means "revelation."

Of the works produced during the period subsequent to acknowledging the beginning of a counter-revolution as a last stubborn resistance to change and evolution of the finite forms of the infinite thought we point out in particular:

  • The glorification of the living intersubjectivity between the one and the other (1995)
  • To be true (1996)
  • The kingdom of the Son of Man (1997)
  • From one to one over the universe (1998)
  • Breviary of Love (2002)

The last few years in Sarzana (2004-2011)

Finally, also for health reasons in 2004 Montefoschi moved to Sarzana in the province of La Spezia, a quiet place less chaotic in Milan, where, however, will continue to receive, tireless until the last, his former students and patients in the continuous and cross-fertilization, rather than to create new thinking, this evolutionary phase of the transformation already completed for some time, now more simply just to stabilize this new super-reflexive subjectivity already born.

It is precisely in this period that comes the great trilogy, the ultimate culmination of his thought, in which most will not speak in any way of the same counter-revolution or ultimate strength of the world, if you prefer, which previously had forced instead into some way to break the silence, to further clarify the previous elaborations by coming to terms with this world of finite forms of resistance being the apocalypse-final revelation in a real showdown finale. Not that the writing of these new books is over the counter but if it was not already before, after these new inscriptions being, have become a phenomenon now totally insignificant and heritage more than just a prehistoric past. Moreover, in regard Silvia Montefoschi had this to say in a final word on this topic controrivolzione:

"The finished just because finite can never end but it can only disappear"

Thereby eliminating the mutants every slightest imagination incosistente of hope but at the same time outlining a future of non-finite forms of death ever being mean to the point of correcting even the very apocalypse of John written 2,000 years ago:

"And the former things have passed away" (Revelation)

"And the former things have never been" (Revelation of GiovanniSilvia)

And besides, the latter conclusion is much more logically consistent and thus also in line with the latest awareness on the nature of the experience and the passage of time the inner subjective experience, conquered by his own philosophical tradition to the phenomenology of Husserl and even then all 'existentialism up to the same where Heidegger is no longer the past that determines the present, but on the contrary, it is precisely this, l ich et nunc " that creates both the past and the future in all this is being passed around the that all of the future.

We also report these new works that make up the trilogy are:

  • The advent of the specifically human realm (2004)
  • The story of the man who is told by those who are (2005)
  • In addition to the omega (2006)

Silvia Montefoschi ending his life with a sort of autobiography similar to that of Jung in 1960 which had as its title "Memories Dreams and Reflections" that the Roman psychoanalyst entitled instead:

  • The appearance of being in Montefoschi Silvia (2009)

The death and birth of the Beyond Beyond over the same

He died in Zurich on March 16, 2011 around noon.

At that moment, with the conjunction of the last final psychoanalyst with the great theologian of the Incarnation of the Logos that was in the beginning, all of reality is no longer consists only of a near side and an afterlife but also an addition which "place-not place "that even if it consists only of the true prototype of the Human Kingdom GiovanniSilvia, however, already exists in fact being also part of the whole of reality and more like the true reality beyond the memory. In fact, at that precise instant the near side is that the Hereafter that is the uni-verse is no longer simply the memory, the memory traces, the past of this addition to the uni-verse, and as memory are inconsistent because as he said already in his time a great theologian evolutionist:

"Only that which converge in a point-to-moment is omega consistent"

(Teilhard de Chardin)

The fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis over his psychoanalysis

The concept of reflective subject

"[...] Silvia Montefoschi introduces for the first time in Psychoanalytic Theory [the concept of reflexive subject] as another from the concept of the ego, [transcendent self. Concepts] which is the only key to understanding all psychic processes whether they are healthy or pathological; reflexive subject that is the constant presence of the human subject in itself and the point of reference of all the events of the existence of the human subject itself, thanks to which it recognizes its historical identity. "

"It is from this vision that Silvia Montefoschi bases its method of operation, assuming the other of the psychoanalytic relationship only as a subject that relates to her as the same person. [...] Point of view from which to analyze the content knowledge of the self in which the human subject puts his identity remain so tied to knowledge already given and thus stopping the evolution of knowledge. "

(Montefoschi S., B. Pietrini, F. Raggi, The manifestation of being in Montefoschi Silvia ',' Zephyro Editions, 2009, p. 17-27)

The psychoanalytic method is the method of inter

The study of Montefoschi has focused in particular on psychoanalysis as a cognitive method that progressively embraces all aspects of the real. Initially, his thought is characterized by the dialectic of interpretation in Jungian thought. Subsequently, "The one and the other" (1977), the explicit analytical relationship between analyst and analysand in a relational sense, describing it as the transition from interdependence to the relationship of intersubjectivity.

Intersubjectivity between analyst and analysand is achieved when each recognizes the other as a subject of the report and not as subject to satisfaction of their needs. In this radically reinterprets the whole psychoanalytic method.

The incest taboo universal law of evolution

The dynamics of the incest taboo in its dual formulation as violable and inviolable at a time, is read as a dynamic cognitive and considered as a theory of knowledge and evolution. In this true to the fact that the dynamics of the incest taboo has always been that the theory of knowledge that psychoanalysis since its first born with Freud, brings with it.

His thinking is summed up in 1985 with the publication of the human system; the transition from interdependence to intersubjectivity is extended beyond the psychoanalytic relationship, and applied to all knowledge of reality.

The man, reflecting on himself, he realizes that he Subject thoughtful and is no longer identified solely with the self and with the corporeal. The Subject thoughtful takes its coincidence with Being all of the real, in fact, is the same Being who knows himself progressively through human thought, the culmination of the whole history of knowledge of reality.

In 1987, with the cosmic principle or the incest taboo, which bears the subtitle The History of the prehistory of the Word, Montefoschi open the last phase of his thought. The book portrays the entire history of the universe as the gradual evolution of thought, which knows itself through the life forms that embody levels of reflection gradually more and more high and wide.

In recent years, this evolutionary process is described more fully: Being (A Thought), which ideating, it is said in the idea as a result of its design. Thus the universe goes from potency to act from the very first moment of knowing (the big bang). In this knowledge, which necessarily distinguishes the ideating (the subject) idea (the object), the Being which is fragmented thinking One street away into the matter.

As the term implies uni-verse, the ultimate aim is to retrieve knowledge of the Being in itself dialectically Thought One, going beyond the fragmented nature of the real. For this Montefoschi theorizes a thoughtful last jump over the "human system", where the Being originally know how to be dual intersubjective.

The history of psychoanalysis last track of the history of the universe

Psychoanalysis, just as a method of continuous self-reflection and reality, according to the Montefoschi would mark the advent of this evolutionary leap of knowledge.

Symbolically, this jump coincides with the recovery of the feminine in himself by the thought that one so far in history, has experienced only as male. In fact, the man has always been given the role of a carrier of mind and spirit, while the woman has always identified itself in being that was to bring forward the objectivity of the material life.

But it would be a mistake, however, to interpret it as a reductive stance in defense of women, which is typical of classical feminism. The thought here is moving rather in defense of the emancipation of thought itself, as the female is first and foremost a function of thought whose emancipation is necessary mainly in order to finally perform for the first time the true function of thought, which is that think of love as well as a reflection of the true function of love is to love the thought.

The text traces the latter stage of the thought of Montefoschi is in particular "The story is told of him that in those who are" of 2005.

Anecdotes and curiosities about Silvia Montefoschi

Silvia Montefoschi also personally met the famous psychiatrist as well as his teacher Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), in fact Dr. Ernst Bernhard (1896-1966) a student of Jung now settled permanently in Rome and started all psychoanalysts Italian Jungian orientation of psychoanalysis that he liked to call instead unlike Jung "psychology of the discovery process," a day When, now Jung approached the evening of his earthly existence he went to Zurich to visit Jung and brought with him all his students between Italian which there was the most promising Silvia Montefoschi that even then he had the opportunity to speak personally with Jung.

Related Documentation



The new edition of the complete works : a significant event in publishing is the news that the complete works of Silvia Montefoschi are being reprinted at Zephyro Editions.

Works 1 The sense of psychoanalysis. From Freud to Jung and beyond

Works 2* The evolution of consciousness. From system to system cosmic man

Works 2** The evolution of consciousness. From system to system cosmic man

Works 3 The incest taboo and the history of the universe

Works 4 Of women, and the living coniunctio


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